

Story of Sumo

Sumo wrestling, a sport deeply rooted in Japan's history and culture, is much more than a mere contest of strength and size. Originating over 1,500 years ago, sumo is steeped in Shinto religious traditions, symbolizing a ritual dance to please the gods. Today, it remains a revered national sport in Japan.

In sumo, two wrestlers (rikishi) face off in a circular ring (dohyo), with the objective of forcing their opponent out of this ring or making any part of their body other than the soles of their feet touch the ground. The wrestlers wear a loin cloth known as a mawashi, which is integral to various sumo techniques.

Sumo wrestlers live in training stables (heya), where life is highly regimented, emphasizing respect, tradition, and a rigorous training regimen. Their diet is centered around a calorie-rich stew called chanko-nabe, vital for building mass.

The professional sumo tournaments, known as honbasho, are held six times a year, attracting vast audiences. Wrestlers are ranked, with the highest rank being Yokozuna, a title denoting sumo's grand champions.

or using nonsquare shapes to start with. The principles of origami are also used in stents, packaging, and other engineering applications.


4 tours & activities found

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Sumo Wrestling Tournament Experience in Tokyo

Tokyo・3 hour and 30 minutes

Sumo Wrestling Tournament Experience in Tokyo



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Tokyo Sumo Morning Practice Tour at Stable

Tokyo・2 hour

Tokyo Sumo Morning Practice Tour at Stable



0 reviews

From $ 104.25

per person

Ryogoku sumo town history / culture and chanko-nabe lunch

Tokyo・3 hour and 30 minutes

Ryogoku sumo town history / culture and chanko-nabe lunch

Family friendly


11 reviews

From $ 109.6

per person

Ryogoku sumo town history / culture and chanko-nabe lunch

Tokyo・3 hour and 30 minutes

Ryogoku sumo town history / culture and chanko-nabe lunch

Family friendly


0 reviews

From $ 137.15

per person

Detail of

Imagine waking up at dawn in Tokyo. You're in a sumo stable, a place where tradition dictates the rhythm of life. As a young wrestler, your day begins with rigorous training sessions. The sound of bodies clashing and the shuffling of feet on the clay dohyo fills the air, a symphony of dedication and strength.

After morning practice, it's time for a communal bath, followed by preparing and eating chanko-nabe. This stew, brimming with vegetables, meat, and fish, is the cornerstone of a sumo wrestler's diet, providing the necessary fuel for their demanding physical regime.

The afternoon might offer some rest, but it's also a time for chores and perhaps community engagements. As a rikishi, you're not just an athlete; you're a cultural icon, a living symbol of a tradition that has endured centuries.

As evening approaches, more seasoned wrestlers join for the second training session. You observe and learn from them, understanding that sumo is more than physical prowess; it's about mental discipline, respect, and honoring the legacy of those who came before.

In the world of sumo, every day is a step towards mastery, a dance of spirit and strength, deeply intertwined with Japan's cultural fabric.

Sumo Sumo Sumo